
Here we introduce django-tidings by way of examples and discuss some theory behind its design.

A Simple Example

On, we host a wiki which houses documents in 80 different human languages. For each document, we keep a record of revisions (in the standard wiki fashion) stretching back to the document’s creation:

Document ---- Revision 1
          \__ Revision 2
          \__ Revision 3
          \__ ...

We let users register their interest in (or watch) a specific language, and they are notified when any document in that language is edited. In our “edit page” view, we explicitly let the system know that a noteworthy event has occurred, like so...


...which, if revision‘s document was written in English, sends a mail to anyone who was watching English-language edits. The watching would have been effected through view code like this:

def watch_language(request):
    """Start notifying the current user of edits in the request's language."""
    EditInLanguageEvent.notify(request.user, language=request.locale)
    # ...and then render a page or something.

Thus we introduce the two core concepts of django-tidings:

Things that occur, like the editing of a document in a certain language
Subscriptions. Specifically, mappings from events to the users or email addresses which are interested in them

Everything in tidings centers around these two types of objects.

Events, Watches, and Scoping

django-tidings is basically a big dispatch engine: something happens (that is, an Event subclass fires), and tidings then has to determine which Watches are relevant so it knows whom to mail. Each kind of event has an event_type, an arbitrary string that distinguishes it, and each watch references an event subclass by that string. However, there is more to the watch-event relationship than that; a watch has a number of other fields which can further refine its scope:

watch ---- event_type
       \__ content_type
       \__ object_id
       \__ 0..n key/value pairs ("filters")

In addition to an event type, a watch may also reference a content type, an object ID, and one or more filters, key/value pairs whose values come out of an enumerated set (no larger than integer space). The key concept in django-tidings, the one which gives it its flexibility, is that only an Event subclass determines the meaning of its Watches’ fields. event_type always points to an Event subclass, but that is the only constant. content_type and object_id are almost always used as their names imply—but only by convention. And filters are designed from the start to be arbitrary.

As a user of django-tidings, you will be writing a lot of Event subclasses and deciding how to make use of Watch’s fields for each. Let’s take apart our simple example to see how the EditInLanguageEvent class might be designed:

 class EditInLanguageEvent(Event):
     """Event fired when any document in a certain language is edited

     Takes a revision when constructed and filters according to that
     revision's document's language

     notify(), stop_notifying(), and is_notifying() take these args:

         (user_or_email, language=some_language)

     event_type = 'edited wiki document in language'
     filters = set(['language'])  # for validation only

     def __init__(self, revision):
         super(EditInLanguageEvent, self).__init__()
         self.revision = revision

     def _users_watching(self, **kwargs):
         return self._users_watching_by_filter(


This event makes use of only two Watch fields: the event_type (which is implicitly handled by the framework) and a filter with the key “language”. content_type and object_id are unused. The action happens in the _users_watching() method, which calls to determine whom to mail. Line 20 calls _users_watching_by_filter(), which is the most interesting method in the entire framework. In essence, this line says “Find me all the watches matching my event_type and having a ‘language’ filter with the value self.revision.document.language.” (It is always a good idea to pass **kwargs along so you can support the exclude option.)

Watch Filters

This is a good point to say a word about WatchFilters. A filter is a key/value pair. The key is a string and goes into the database verbatim. The value, however, is only a 4-byte unsigned int. If you pass a string as a watch filter value, it will be hashed to make it fit. Thus, watch filters are no good for storing data but only for distinguishing among members of enumerated sets.

An exception is if you pass an integer as a filter value. The framework will notice this and let the int through unmodified. Thus, you can put (unchecked) integer foreign key references into filters quite happily.

Details of the hashing behavior are documented in hash_to_unsigned().


Think back to our notify() call:

EditInLanguageEvent.notify(request.user, language=request.locale)

It tells the framework to create a watch with the event_type 'edited wiki document in locale' (tying it to EditInLanguageEvent) and a filter mapping “language” to some locale.

Now, what if we had made this call instead, omitting the language kwarg?


This says “request.user is interested in every EditInLanguageEvent, regardless of language”, simply by omission of the “language” filter. A similar logic applies to events which use the content_type or object_id fields: leave them blank in a call to notify(), and the user will watch events with any value of them.

If, for some odd reason, a user ends up watching both all EditInLanguageEvents and German EditInLanguageEvents in particular, never fear: he will not receive two mails every time someone edits a German article. tidings will automatically de-duplicate users within the scope of one event class. Also, when faced with a registered user and an anonymous subscription having the same email address, tidings will favor the registered user. That way, any mails you generate will have the opportunity to use a nice username, etc.

Completing the Event Implementation

A few more methods are necessary to get to a fully working EditInLanguageEvent. Let’s add them now:

class EditInLanguageEvent(Event):

    # Previous methods here

    def _mails(self, users_and_watches):
        """Construct the mails to send."""
        document = self.revision.document

        # This loop is shown for clarity, but in real code, you should use
        # the tidings.utils.emails_with_users_and_watches convenience
        # function.
        for user, watches in users_and_watches:
            yield EmailMessage(
                'Notification: an edit!',
                'Document %s was edited.' % document.title,

    def _activation_email(cls, watch, email):
        """Return an EmailMessage to send to anonymous watchers.

        They are expected to follow the activation URL sent in the email to
        activate their watch, so you should include at least that.

        return EmailMessage(
            'Confirm your subscription',
            'Click the link if you really want to subscribe: %s' % \

    def _activation_url(cls, watch):
        """Return a URL pointing to a view that activates the watch."""
        return reverse('myapp.activate_watch', args=[, watch.secret])

Default implementations of _activation_email() and _activation_url() are coming in a future version of tidings.

Watching an Instance

Often, we want to watch for changes to a specific object rather than a class of them. tidings comes with a purpose-built abstract superclass for this, InstanceEvent.

In the wiki, we allow a user to watch a specific document. For example...

EditDocumentEvent.notify(request.user, document)

With the help of InstanceEvent, this event can be implemented just by choosing an event_type and a content_type and, because we need Revision info in addition to Document info when we build the mails, overriding __init__():

class EditDocumentEvent(InstanceEvent):
    """Event fired when a certain document is edited"""
    event_type = 'wiki edit document'
    content_type = Document

    def __init__(self, revision):
        """This is another common pattern: we need to pass the Document to
        InstanceEvent's constructor, but we also need to keep the new
        Revision around so we can pull info from it when building our
        super(EditDocumentEvent, self).__init__(revision.document)
        self.revision = revision

    def _mails(self, users_and_watches):
        # ...

For more detail, see the InstanceEvent documentation.


We have already established that mails get de-duplicated within the scope of one event class, but what about across many events? What happens when a document is edited and some user was watching both it specifically and its language in general? Does he receive two mails? Not if you use EventUnion.

When your code does something that could cause both events to happen, the naive approach would be to call them serially:


That would send two mails. But if we use the magical EventUnion construct instead...

EventUnion(EditDocumentEvent(revision), EditInLanguageEvent(revision)).fire()

...tidings is informed that you’re firing a bunch of events, and it sends only one mail.

A few notes:

  • The _mails() method from the first event class passed is the one that’s used, though you can change this by subclassing EventUnion and overriding its _mails().
  • Like the single-event de-duplication, EventUnion favors registered users over anonymous email addresses.

The Container Pattern

One common case for de-duplication is when watchable objects contain other watchable objects, as in a discussion forum where users can watch both threads and entire forums:

forum ---- thread
       \__ thread
       \__ thread

In this case, we might imagine having a NewPostInThreadEvent through which users watch a thread and a NewPostInForumEvent through which they watch a whole forum. Both events would be InstanceEvent subclasses:

  class NewPostInForumEvent(InstanceEvent):
      event_type = 'new post in forum'
      content_type = Forum

      def __init__(self, post):
          super(NewPostInForumEvent, self).__init__(
          # Need to store the post for _mails
 = post

  class NewPostInThreadEvent(InstanceEvent):
      event_type = 'new post in thread'
      content_type = Thread

      def __init__(self, post):
          super(NewPostInThreadEvent, self).__init__(post.thread)
          # Need to store the post for _mails
 = post

      def fire(self, **kwargs):
          """Notify not only watchers of this thread but of the parent forum as well."""
          return EventUnion(self, NewPostInForumEvent(**kwargs)

      def _mails(self, users_and_watches):
          return emails_with_users_and_watches(
              'New post: %s' %,

On line 20, we cleverly override fire(), replacing InstanceEvent’s simple implementation with one that fires the union of both events. Thus, callers need only ever fire NewPostInThreadEvent, and it will take care of the rest.

Since NewPostInForumEvent will now be fired only from an EventUnion (and not as the first argument), it can get away without a _mails implementation. The container pattern is very slimming, both to callers and events.