Source code for

from collections import Sequence
import random
from smtplib import SMTPException

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core import mail
from django.db.models import Q

from celery.task import task

from tidings.models import Watch, WatchFilter, EmailUser, multi_raw
from tidings.utils import collate, hash_to_unsigned

[docs]class ActivationRequestFailed(Exception): """Raised when activation request fails, e.g. if email could not be sent""" def __init__(self, msgs): self.msgs = msgs
def _unique_by_email(users_and_watches): """Given a sequence of (User/EmailUser, [Watch, ...]) pairs clustered by email address (which is never ''), yield from each cluster a single pair like this:: (User/EmailUser, [Watch, Watch, ...]). The User/Email is that of... (1) the first incoming pair where the User has an email and is not anonymous, or, if there isn't such a user... (2) the first pair. The list of Watches consists of all those found in the cluster. Compares email addresses case-insensitively. """ def ensure_user_has_email(user, cluster_email): """Make sure the user in the user-watch pair has an email address. The caller guarantees us an email from either the user or the watch. If the passed-in user has no email, we return an EmailUser instead having the email address from the watch. """ # Some of these cases shouldn't happen, but we're tolerant. if not getattr(user, 'email', ''): user = EmailUser(cluster_email) return user # TODO: Do this instead with clever SQL that somehow returns just the # best row for each email. cluster_email = '' # email of current cluster favorite_user = None # best user in cluster so far watches = [] # all watches in cluster for u, w in users_and_watches: # w always has at least 1 Watch. All the emails are the same. row_email = or w[0].email if cluster_email.lower() != row_email.lower(): # Starting a new cluster. if cluster_email != '': # Ship the favorites from the previous cluster: yield ensure_user_has_email(favorite_user, cluster_email), watches favorite_user, watches = u, [] cluster_email = row_email elif ((not or u.is_anonymous()) and and not u.is_anonymous()): favorite_user = u watches.extend(w) if favorite_user is not None: yield ensure_user_has_email(favorite_user, cluster_email), watches
[docs]class Event(object): """Abstract base class for events An :class:`Event` represents, simply, something that occurs. A :class:`~tidings.models.Watch` is a record of someone's interest in a certain type of :class:`Event`, distinguished by ``Event.event_type``. Fire an Event (````) from the code that causes the interesting event to occur. Fire it any time the event *might* have occurred. The Event will determine whether conditions are right to actually send notifications; don't succumb to the temptation to do these tests outside the Event, because you'll end up repeating yourself if the event is ever fired from more than one place. :class:`Event` subclasses can optionally represent a more limited scope of interest by populating the ``Watch.content_type`` field and/or adding related :class:`~tidings.models.WatchFilter` rows holding name/value pairs, the meaning of which is up to each individual subclass. NULL values are considered wildcards. :class:`Event` subclass instances must be pickleable so they can be shuttled off to celery tasks. """ # event_type = 'hamster modified' # key for the event_type column content_type = None # or, for example, Hamster #: Possible filter keys, for validation only. For example: #: ``set(['color', 'flavor'])`` filters = set()
[docs] def fire(self, exclude=None): """Asynchronously notify everyone watching the event. We are explicit about sending notifications; we don't just key off creation signals, because the receiver of a post_save signal has no idea what just changed, so it doesn't know which notifications to send. Also, we could easily send mail accidentally: for instance, during tests. If we want implicit event firing, we can always register a signal handler that calls :meth:`fire()`. :arg exclude: If a saved user is passed in, that user will not be notified, though anonymous notifications having the same email address may still be sent. A sequence of users may also be passed in. """ # Tasks don't receive the `self` arg implicitly. self._fire_task.delay(self, exclude=exclude)
@task def _fire_task(self, exclude=None): """Build and send the emails as a celery task.""" connection = mail.get_connection(fail_silently=True) # Warning: fail_silently swallows errors thrown by the generators, too. for m in self._mails(self._users_watching(exclude=exclude)): connection.send_messages([m]) @classmethod
[docs] def _validate_filters(cls, filters): """Raise a TypeError if ``filters`` contains any keys inappropriate to this event class.""" for k in filters.iterkeys(): if k not in cls.filters: # Mirror "unexpected keyword argument" message: raise TypeError("%s got an unsupported filter type '%s'" % (cls.__name__, k))
[docs] def _users_watching_by_filter(self, object_id=None, exclude=None, **filters): """Return an iterable of (``User``/:class:`~tidings.models.EmailUser`, [:class:`~tidings.models.Watch` objects]) tuples watching the event. Of multiple Users/EmailUsers having the same email address, only one is returned. Users are favored over EmailUsers so we are sure to be able to, for example, include a link to a user profile in the mail. The list of :class:`~tidings.models.Watch` objects includes both those tied to the given User (if there is a registered user) and to any anonymous Watch having the same email address. This allows you to include all relevant unsubscribe URLs in a mail, for example. It also lets you make decisions in the :meth:`` method of :class:`` based on the kinds of watches found. "Watching the event" means having a Watch whose ``event_type`` is ``self.event_type``, whose ``content_type`` is ``self.content_type`` or ``NULL``, whose ``object_id`` is ``object_id`` or ``NULL``, and whose WatchFilter rows match as follows: each name/value pair given in ``filters`` must be matched by a related WatchFilter, or there must be no related WatchFilter having that name. If you find yourself wanting the lack of a particularly named WatchFilter to scuttle the match, use a different event_type instead. :arg exclude: If a saved user is passed in as this argument, that user will never be returned, though anonymous watches having the same email address may. A sequence of users may also be passed in. """ # I don't think we can use the ORM here, as there's no way to get a # second condition (name=whatever) into a left join. However, if we # were willing to have 2 subqueries run for every watch row--select # {are there any filters with name=x?} and select {is there a filter # with name=x and value=y?}--we could do it with extra(). Then we could # have EventUnion simply | the QuerySets together, which would avoid # having to merge in Python. if exclude is None: exclude = [] elif not isinstance(exclude, Sequence): exclude = [exclude] def filter_conditions(): """Return joins, WHERE conditions, and params to bind to them in order to check a notification against all the given filters.""" # Not a one-liner. You're welcome. :-) self._validate_filters(filters) joins, wheres, join_params, where_params = [], [], [], [] for n, (k, v) in enumerate(filters.iteritems()): joins.append( 'LEFT JOIN tidings_watchfilter f{n} ' 'ON f{n} ' 'AND f{n}.name=%s'.format(n=n)) join_params.append(k) wheres.append('(f{n}.value=%s ' 'OR f{n}.value IS NULL)'.format(n=n)) where_params.append(hash_to_unsigned(v)) return joins, wheres, join_params + where_params # Apply watchfilter constraints: joins, wheres, params = filter_conditions() # Start off with event_type, which is always a constraint. These go in # the `wheres` list to guarantee that the AND after the {wheres} # substitution in the query is okay. wheres.append('w.event_type=%s') params.append(self.event_type) # Constrain on other 1-to-1 attributes: if self.content_type: wheres.append('(w.content_type_id IS NULL ' 'OR w.content_type_id=%s)') params.append(ContentType.objects.get_for_model( self.content_type).id) if object_id: wheres.append('(w.object_id IS NULL OR w.object_id=%s)') params.append(object_id) if exclude: # Don't try excluding unsaved Users:1 if not all( for e in exclude): raise ValueError("Can't exclude an unsaved User.") wheres.append('( IS NULL OR NOT IN (%s))' % ', '.join('%s' for e in exclude)) params.extend( for e in exclude) def get_fields(model): if hasattr(model._meta, '_fields'): # For django versions < 1.6 return model._meta._fields() else: # For django versions >= 1.6 return model._meta.fields User = get_user_model() model_to_fields = dict((m, [f.get_attname() for f in get_fields(m)]) for m in [User, Watch]) query_fields = [ 'u.{0}'.format(field) for field in model_to_fields[User]] query_fields.extend([ 'w.{0}'.format(field) for field in model_to_fields[Watch]]) query = ( 'SELECT {fields} ' 'FROM tidings_watch w ' 'LEFT JOIN {user_table} u ON {joins} ' 'WHERE {wheres} ' 'AND (length(>0 OR length(>0) ' 'AND w.is_active ' 'ORDER BY DESC, DESC').format( fields=', '.join(query_fields), joins=' '.join(joins), wheres=' AND '.join(wheres), user_table=User._meta.db_table) # IIRC, the DESC ordering was something to do with the placement of # NULLs. Track this down and explain it. # Put watch in a list just for consistency. Once the pairs go through # _unique_by_email, watches will be in a list, and EventUnion uses the # same function to union already-list-enclosed pairs from individual # events. return _unique_by_email((u, [w]) for u, w in multi_raw(query, params, [User, Watch], model_to_fields))
[docs] def _watches_belonging_to_user(cls, user_or_email, object_id=None, **filters): """Return a QuerySet of watches having the given user or email, having (only) the given filters, and having the event_type and content_type attrs of the class. Matched Watches may be either confirmed and unconfirmed. They may include duplicates if the get-then-create race condition in :meth:`notify()` allowed them to be created. If you pass an email, it will be matched against only the email addresses of anonymous watches. At the moment, the only integration point planned between anonymous and registered watches is the claiming of anonymous watches of the same email address on user registration confirmation. If you pass the AnonymousUser, this will return an empty QuerySet. """ # If we have trouble distinguishing subsets and such, we could store a # number_of_filters on the Watch. cls._validate_filters(filters) if isinstance(user_or_email, basestring): user_condition = Q(email=user_or_email) elif not user_or_email.is_anonymous(): user_condition = Q(user=user_or_email) else: return Watch.objects.none() # Filter by stuff in the Watch row: watches = getattr(Watch, 'uncached', Watch.objects).filter( user_condition, Q(content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(cls.content_type)) if cls.content_type else Q(), Q(object_id=object_id) if object_id else Q(), event_type=cls.event_type).extra( where=['(SELECT count(*) FROM tidings_watchfilter WHERE ' 'tidings_watchfilter.watch_id=' ''], params=[len(filters)]) # Optimization: If the subselect ends up being slow, store the number # of filters in each Watch row or try a GROUP BY. # Apply 1-to-many filters: for k, v in filters.iteritems(): watches = watches.filter(filters__name=k, filters__value=hash_to_unsigned(v)) return watches
@classmethod # Funny arg name to reserve use of nice ones for filters
[docs] def is_notifying(cls, user_or_email_, object_id=None, **filters): """Return whether the user/email is watching this event (either active or inactive watches), conditional on meeting the criteria in ``filters``. Count only watches that match the given filters exactly--not ones which match merely a superset of them. This lets callers distinguish between watches which overlap in scope. Equivalently, this lets callers check whether :meth:`notify()` has been called with these arguments. Implementations in subclasses may take different arguments--for example, to assume certain filters--though most will probably just use this. However, subclasses should clearly document what filters they supports and the meaning of each. Passing this an ``AnonymousUser`` always returns ``False``. This means you can always pass it ``request.user`` in a view and get a sensible response. """ return cls._watches_belonging_to_user(user_or_email_, object_id=object_id, **filters).exists()
[docs] def notify(cls, user_or_email_, object_id=None, **filters): """Start notifying the given user or email address when this event occurs and meets the criteria given in ``filters``. Return the created (or the existing matching) Watch so you can call :meth:`~tidings.models.Watch.activate()` on it if you're so inclined. Implementations in subclasses may take different arguments; see the docstring of :meth:`is_notifying()`. Send an activation email if an anonymous watch is created and :data:`~django.conf.settings.TIDINGS_CONFIRM_ANONYMOUS_WATCHES` is ``True``. If the activation request fails, raise a ActivationRequestFailed exception. Calling :meth:`notify()` twice for an anonymous user will send the email each time. """ # A test-for-existence-then-create race condition exists here, but it # doesn't matter: de-duplication on fire() and deletion of all matches # on stop_notifying() nullify its effects. try: # Pick 1 if >1 are returned: watch = cls._watches_belonging_to_user( user_or_email_, object_id=object_id, **filters)[0:1].get() except Watch.DoesNotExist: create_kwargs = {} if cls.content_type: create_kwargs['content_type'] = \ ContentType.objects.get_for_model(cls.content_type) create_kwargs['email' if isinstance(user_or_email_, basestring) else 'user'] = user_or_email_ # Letters that can't be mistaken for other letters or numbers in # most fonts, in case people try to type these: distinguishable_letters = \ 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRTUVWXYZ' secret = ''.join(random.choice(distinguishable_letters) for x in xrange(10)) # Registered users don't need to confirm, but anonymous users do. is_active = ('user' in create_kwargs or not settings.TIDINGS_CONFIRM_ANONYMOUS_WATCHES) if object_id: create_kwargs['object_id'] = object_id watch = Watch.objects.create( secret=secret, is_active=is_active, event_type=cls.event_type, **create_kwargs) for k, v in filters.iteritems(): WatchFilter.objects.create(watch=watch, name=k, value=hash_to_unsigned(v)) # Send email for inactive watches. if not watch.is_active: email = if watch.user else message = cls._activation_email(watch, email) try: message.send() except SMTPException, e: watch.delete() raise ActivationRequestFailed(e.recipients) return watch
[docs] def stop_notifying(cls, user_or_email_, **filters): """Delete all watches matching the exact user/email and filters. Delete both active and inactive watches. If duplicate watches exist due to the get-then-create race condition, delete them all. Implementations in subclasses may take different arguments; see the docstring of :meth:`is_notifying()`. """ cls._watches_belonging_to_user(user_or_email_, **filters).delete() # TODO: If GenericForeignKeys don't give us cascading deletes, make a # stop_notifying_all(**filters) or something. It should delete any watch of # the class's event_type and content_type and having filters matching each # of **filters. Even if there are additional filters on a watch, that watch # should still be deleted so we can delete, for example, any watch that # references a certain Question instance. To do that, factor such that you # can effectively call _watches_belonging_to_user() without it calling # extra(). # Subclasses should implement the following:
[docs] def _mails(self, users_and_watches): """Return an iterable yielding an EmailMessage to send to each user. :arg users_and_watches: an iterable of (User or EmailUser, [Watches]) pairs where the first element is the user to send to and the second is a list of watches (usually just one) that indicated the user's interest in this event :meth:`~tidings.utils.emails_with_users_and_watches()` can come in handy for generating mails from Django templates. """ # Did this instead of mail() because a common case might be sending the # same mail to many users. mail() would make it difficult to avoid # redoing the templating every time. raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _users_watching(self, **kwargs): """Return an iterable of Users and EmailUsers watching this event and the Watches that map them to it. Each yielded item is a tuple: (User or EmailUser, [list of Watches]). Default implementation returns users watching this object's event_type and, if defined, content_type. """ return self._users_watching_by_filter(**kwargs)
[docs] def _activation_email(cls, watch, email): """Return an EmailMessage to send to anonymous watchers. They are expected to follow the activation URL sent in the email to activate their watch, so you should include at least that. """ # TODO: basic implementation. return mail.EmailMessage('TODO', 'Activate!', settings.TIDINGS_FROM_ADDRESS, [email])
[docs] def _activation_url(cls, watch): """Return a URL pointing to a view which :meth:`activates <tidings.models.Watch.activate()>` a watch. TODO: provide generic implementation of this before liberating. Generic implementation could involve a setting to the default ``reverse()`` path, e.g. ``'tidings.activate_watch'``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def description_of_watch(cls, watch): """Return a description of the Watch which can be used in emails. For example, "changes to English articles" """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class EventUnion(Event): """Fireable conglomeration of multiple events Use this when you want to send a single mail to each person watching any of several events. For example, this sends only 1 mail to a given user, even if he was being notified of all 3 events:: EventUnion(SomeEvent(), OtherEvent(), ThirdEvent()).fire() """ # Calls some private methods on events, but this and Event are good # friends.
[docs] def __init__(self, *events): """:arg events: the events of which to take the union""" super(EventUnion, self).__init__() = events
[docs] def _mails(self, users_and_watches): """Default implementation calls the :meth:`` of my first event but may pass it any of my events as ``self``. Use this default implementation when the content of each event's mail template is essentially the same, e.g. "This new post was made. Enjoy.". When the receipt of a second mail from the second event would add no value, this is a fine choice. If the second event's email would add value, you should probably fire both events independently and let both mails be delivered. Or, if you would like to send a single mail with a custom template for a batch of events, just subclass :class:`EventUnion` and override this method. """ return[0]._mails(users_and_watches)
def _users_watching(self, **kwargs): # Get a sorted iterable of user-watches pairs: users_and_watches = collate( *[e._users_watching(**kwargs) for e in], key=lambda (user, watch):, reverse=True) # Pick the best User out of each cluster of identical email addresses: return _unique_by_email(users_and_watches)
[docs]class InstanceEvent(Event): """Abstract superclass for watching a specific instance of a Model. Subclasses must specify an ``event_type`` and should specify a ``content_type``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): """:arg instance: the instance someone would have to be watching in order to be notified when this event is fired""" super(InstanceEvent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instance = instance
[docs] def notify(cls, user_or_email, instance): """Create, save, and return a watch which fires when something happens to ``instance``.""" return super(InstanceEvent, cls).notify(user_or_email,
[docs] def stop_notifying(cls, user_or_email, instance): """Delete the watch created by notify.""" super(InstanceEvent, cls).stop_notifying(user_or_email,
[docs] def is_notifying(cls, user_or_email, instance): """Check if the watch created by notify exists.""" return super(InstanceEvent, cls).is_notifying(user_or_email,
[docs] def _users_watching(self, **kwargs): """Return users watching this instance.""" return self._users_watching_by_filter(, **kwargs)